Per Michela che compie gli anni
Mia nipote Michela, la nipote grande, compie oggi diciotto anni. Ieri in pizzeria, commentando la cosa con Maria Bonaria e il mitico Pino, mi sono lasciato trascinare nello scrivere una poesia di augurio. Visto che Michela è casualmente a Londra con la famiglia, la poesia è in inglese (è ovvio che io ne sono smodatamente orgoglioso come se avessi scritto l’Odissea, ma naturalmente l’orgoglio impallidisce in confronto a quello per ciascuna delle nipoti).
La metrica è senza dubbio zoppicante, ma il mio orecchio per l’inglese è incerto, quindi questo è il meglio che potevo fare…
Just two words I want to say
on the subject of this daylet be heard, let be seen
that I just turned eighteenfree to drive, free to drink
all I want (or so I think!).With my family I left my town
to search London up and down,see the views, hit the shops
and devour some lamb’s chops.We went round, and it was such
that I enjoyed it very much,‘cos I lost Giulia at St. James
Mum and Daddy across the Thames,Granma Mira I last saw her
with the Queen, believe me sir.So I was young and I was free
it was wondrous, don’t you agree?I had London by my feet,
I explored it, street by street,‘til I was a little tired
and an haven I desired,so I took a train to Watford
to achieve my great award:do the amazing Studio Tour
Warner Bros. they it procure:it was there they shoot the movie
that I find so nice and groovy,to Harry Potter I allude
many times I have him viewed.Dumbledore’s, the Great Hall,
Hagrid’s Hut, that I recall,see the studios, it was fun,
but the marvel had just begun,‘cos there stood in a black cape
hear me truly: Severus Snape!He’s my character of choice
and in his beauty I rejoice:say it now and say it loud
I’m a Snape fan and I’m proud!!
Many thanks to Gianna Masetti per l’ultimo verso…
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